Tibial spiral fracture
Tibial spiral fracture

  1. Tibial spiral fracture skin#
  2. Tibial spiral fracture crack#

X-rays: This study uses high electromagnetic energy beams to produce images of the bones and help to detect whether the tibia is intact or broken and the type of fracture and its location.In order to obtain further confirmation on the severity of the fracture, your doctor may recommend: To diagnose a tibial shaft fracture, your doctor will review your symptoms and medical history and conduct a thorough physical examination to look for signs of swelling, bruises, rupture of the skin, instability, and other deformities. Some of the signs and symptoms of tibial fracture include: Signs and Symptoms of Tibial Shaft Fracture Some of the causes of tibial shaft fracture include:

Tibial spiral fracture skin#

  • Open fracture: This is also known as compound fracture and causes serious damage to the surrounding soft tissue structures as the tibial shaft fragments stick out through the skin to the external air exposing the fracture site.
  • tibial spiral fracture

  • Comminuted fracture: A severe type of fracture where the tibial shaft breaks into 3 or more pieces.
  • Spiral fracture: A type of fracture caused by a twisting force in which the fracture line encircles the tibial shaft.
  • Oblique fracture: In this type, the break is noted as an angled line across the tibial shaft.
  • Transverse fracture: In this fracture, the break is a straight, horizontal line going across the tibial shaft.
  • Some of the types of tibial shaft fracture include: The types of tibial shaft fracture greatly vary based on the force that causes the fracture. It normally takes a great amount of force for a fracture of the tibia to occur.

    tibial spiral fracture

    The tibia is the most frequently fractured long bone of the body.

    tibial spiral fracture

    It bears most of the body’s weight and plays a crucial role in balancing body weight when standing and walking. The tibia or shinbone is the larger of the two bones and is one of the major bones of the lower leg. The lower leg is made up of two long bones called the tibia and fibula that extend between the knee and ankle and help form the ankle joint and knee joint.

    Tibial spiral fracture crack#

    A tibial shaft fracture is a crack or break in the middle section of the tibia bone due to severe trauma.

    Tibial spiral fracture